5. Fortaleza-Jericoacoara (2006.1.3-8)

- Fortaleza

翌日、銀行に行った後10時半のジェリ行きのバスに乗ろうとして、念のためと思って8時ごろ宿をでたが、Rodoviaria(長距離バスターミナル)という言葉を知らず、"Estacion de onibus"と何回人に聞いて市内バスに乗っても鉄道駅や市内バスのターミナルについてしまい、3時間迷って結局15時半のバスに乗った。"Rodoviaria"、重要な言葉だ。

It was a little bit difficult to get to the hotel since no one understand English and I didn't understand Portuguese. People are really friendly and kind. The guys in the photo above helped me.
The hotel is right in front of Iracema Beach. I drank beer alone on the beach, which was not bad.
"Rodoviaria" is a word in Portuguese means long distance bus station. I didn't know that and I couldn't get there for 3 hours.

- Jericoacoara(day)

-Jericoacoara (sunset-night)


Hotel Ondas Verdes_R$50/single

- Jericoacoara
1. Someone's House_R$50/single
2. Regina's House_R$20/single (85-8835-9744,Portuguese only)

There was no room left in pousada. So I stayed locals' house. The first one was too expensive and I moved to Regina's house. If you want to stay at a pousada, I may have to make a reservation.

3. Pousada por do Sol_R$40/single

Fortaleza-Jericoacoara_R$50(Bus+Sand Bus, 6hrs)
FortalezaのRodoviariaからのバスは10:30, 15:30, 18:30。15:30はVIP2階建てバスで、16:00に空港に寄る。VIPは高くて(R$50)他はR$35ぐらい。

Normal bus to Jijica on the way and you will transfer to "Sand Bus?" from there and it drive you for 25km to Jeri. There are 3 buses a day leaving from Rodoviaria in Fortaleza. 10:30 and 18:30 are normal bus and cost around R$35. 15:30 is VIP bus and costs R$50. VIP stops at airport at 16:00.

to Parnaiba-Barrerinhas-Lencois Maranhenses

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